
Published: Saturday, 25 April 2015

It's happening!

Friday May 1 11:55 Julian arrives at home with his parents
Wednesday April 29 21:00 Julian Juyoung Verhagen is born
19:10 Started pushing
16:05 7cm dilation. The doctor decides to break the bag of water. That should help move things along
4:20 4cm dilation means we are being admitted, and will be getting morphine, then that coveted epidural. That helps to get some rest, but also slows down further contractions. For most of the day we struggle to balance pain treatment and progress
2:22 Arriving at "Labor and Delivery". We are doing painful labor in "triage" for two hours
1:34 Calling the hospital: "we are going to be on our way!"
0:32 Miyoung starts writing down contractions again. They are 8, 6, 4, 7, 4, 4, 4, 9, 5, 4, 3, ... minutes apart. Some are one minute long, some 3-4 minutes.
Tuesday April 28 7:40 Called the triage nurse after having contractions since around 5:00. We need to wait until they are more regular, persistent and consistent. We decide to finish up our work days around lunch time. Miyoung's last day at work for nine months. However, that afternoon and evening contractions don't really progress. We go to bed thinking we'll be working from home the next day


And this is what happened during the whole pregnancy:

April 30 Planned admission Tonight was the planned admission into the hospital, so that the delivery could be induced, with a delivery planned for May 1. But babies don't let themselves be planned like that, and Julian actually had us go into the hospital on his actual due date!
April 29 Due date  
April 29 OB/GYN Final appointment with our primary physician at the Columbia Women's Clinic, dr. Susan Payne, M.D.
April 24 Monitoring Fetal monitoring and OB/GYN appointment. While checking the bag of water with the ultrasound machine we get another glimps of baby's face, exciting!
April 20 Muisjes Beschuit met Muisjes arrive at the residence
April 18 Orientation class Orientation of the maternity facility at Providence St. Vincent's Hospital
April 14 Bag Packed our bag, ready to go!
April 11 Newborn care class Diapers, swaddling, carriers, and the five universal cries
April 9 Baby shower at work  
April 4 Baby shower  
March 14 Childbirth preparation class Learning about the process of childbirth, including some breathing exercises
March Baby room The baby room gets furnished
December 10 2014 Third ultrasound

This is the big one! Fingers and toes are all counted, et cetera. And now we know for sure: it's a boy!

Despite how much we looked forward to this ultrasound, we had the original time wrong and had to reschedule. Luckily we could still do it the same day!

November 27 Facebook

Today we're telling everybody that we're pregnant!

October 30 Genetic counseling

A talk with the genetic counselor: freaking out over small risks. Drawing blood. We'll hear on November 6 that all is good

October 23 Second ultrasound  
September 24 First (real) ultrasound  
September 18 OB/GYN Our first appointment with an OB/GYN at the Columbia Women's Clinic at Providence St. Vincent's Hospital. We'll be having 13 such appointments including this one and the final one on April 29
September 6 Ultrasound We've hassled our family doctor in doing an ultrasound, not knowing that it's too early and doesn't really tell us a whole lot more than what we already know from the blood test: we're pregnant!
August 26 Check! Two pink lines, claimed to be 99% accurate
August 2014 Pregnant!